Wednesday, May 5

Obama: Begin work this year on immigration reform

“'There may not be an appetite'" "in Congress to deal with another hot-button issue immediately after grueling fights over health care and financial regulation."

For one, I believe that immigration should stand right up there with health care and financial regulation. I'm tired of everyone talking about it. How about we do something about it already!! Last Saturday there were 10,000 Austin citizens who met at the city's capital in protest to Arizona's new immigration law, which is in process right now. This law gives authority to the police academy to have a greater power to inspect those whom they may "suspect" to be an illegal immigrant.

Honestly, I have read many different commentary from many different people. I understand the frustration of working people loosing jobs to "illegal" PEOPLE- however, these people actually CARE about what they are working for. They are not only flipping burgers because they have no other source of money, they are doing this in pure intentions to get in greater with their employers, in order to be subject to gaining even more respect, and money. I mean, looking into their past and economic situations, can you blame them? They are merely wanting to provide for their families. They want the best possible. YOU go to where ever they came from and tell me what you would do any differently for your loved ones and family.

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